We know sometimes that things don't always go according to plan. That's why if you're not completely satisfied with your order, and providing it hasn't been used, along with being in perfect condition, you can return it to us within 14 days - completely hassle free.
Please get in contact with us should you wish to return your order and we'll walk you through the next steps to get it sorted using our range of delivery options below:
If the item is a hand tool such as a plastering trowel, you can use our DPD Pickup Returns service. This service is suitable for parcels no larger than 600mm in any dimension and under 10kg in weight. Simply call our Customer Service Team and they can book your return, send you a parcel label to attach to your parcel for you to take it to your local DPD Pickup Returns shop.
- To book your return call our Customer Service Team at 01202 632270
- We will then email you a returns form and parcel label for you to fill in
- Please enclose your completed returns form and pack your return securely
- Attach the parcel label, and take it to your local store (we will advise up to 8 of the nearest stores to you)
- You'll receive proof of postage and a code to track your return online
Please note:
- There is a charge of £9.95 ex. VAT for this service
- Parcels can often take between 5-7 days to be received and processed
- This service is for Mainland UK and the Isle of Wight
- You can find your local DPD Pickup Return shops here
- Call our Customer Service Team at 01202 632270 to book your return
- If required we can email you a returns address label to attach to your parcel
- We will arrange for a courier to collect your parcel(s) from a place of your choice
Please note:
- Parcels can often take between 2-3 days to be received and processed
- The charge for returning large parcels is £15.95 ex. VAT
- Pallets can often take between 3-4 days to be received and processed
- For machines and pallets, the charge for this service will depend on size, quotes are available upon request
- The cost of these services will be greater for returns from outside the mainland UK